Newsletter January 2023

This is a brief letter to inform you about activities at the Club.  I hope that it will fill in some of the gaps about what has occurred during the winter and prepare you for the Season which starts in April.

From now, the Newsletter will be copied on to the website, so please look there regularly as some items may be publicised between newsletters.

In case there is a problem with access to the website, this can be made as follows: 

Go to the Grove Bowling Club website:      Click on the “News” heading,               

Click on most recent “Newsletter”, or any item of interest.

1. 2023 Fixtures

Mike Southern has now completed the Friendly Fixtures list for 2023, which includes some new fixtures and an Open Day.  The fixtures are based on those of 2022 with some changes and a list can be found on the Club website.

The “Open Day” is to provide a chance for new bowlers to try the sport and have encouragement to play and, perhaps, become a Club member.

More generally, the Club has increased playing membership considerably during the year. However, the main problem is the availability of members to play in matches. It would help Club Captains considerably if members could make themselves available as often as possible for all matches. Please do not feel that you are “not good enough”, all of us had to start and “dipping your toe in the water is one way to convince yourself that you can do it!! Captains and Skips will be delighted to help and  advise new bowlers with their game.

2. Grove Maintenance and Upkeep. 

The Club is fortunate that a number of members voluntarily maintain the whole facility throughout the year. This means that there is no expense to an outside company, except where specialists are required to carry out technical work such as roofing repairs, installation of double glazing and maintenance of the motor mowers.

All the maintenance of the green including autumn and spring treatments and seasonal mowing, (3 times each week), is carried out solely by members. This is also true of the maintenance of the hedges and boundaries and attractive gardens whose upkeep is down to Tony Austen who has been awarded Tunbridge Wells in Bloom certificates on an annual basis. 

Similarly, the upkeep, maintenance and decoration of the buildings is carried out by this group  during the winter.  The Group meets every week throughout the year. 

There is always room for any members to join the Group and such support, even if on a casual basis  would be very well received. You do not have to have special ability, but members with special abilities would be a valuable asset. Please contact me or any Officer to see how you can help.

3. Social Events

Three events are scheduled between February and April 2023

i) Bingo Evening. Friday 10 February 2023 at 7.00 pm.

The fun of a Bingo Drive with cash winnings with the bar open throughout!

All you Bingo players and all the others too, please support this event to help the Club. 

ii) Quiz Night. Friday 17 March 2023 at 7.30 pm.

A Pub quiz night with an interval when Fish’n’chips or Chicken’n’chips will be delivered to order. Please, book for teams of 6 (maximum). If you do not have 6, this can be added to on the evening, or a lesser number can play.

Massive prizes for top teams and lesser teams will be acknowledged!

iii) Race Night. Saturday 22 April 2023 at 6.30 for prompt 7.00 pm. Start.

Films of horse (or greyhound) races are shown.  This is after:

Race has been sponsored

Each horse has been “bought” for winners to receive a prize

Horses are backed at fixed odds (not necessarily reflecting ability or final order!)

This is always a popular event with the Club receiving a good return.  Any member can  attend but it is advisable to reserve seats as these will be limited by the space available.

Please contact Richard Warren for further details of any event.

Bookings may be made through Richard Warren for the Bingo and Quiz Night, and through Phil Boddy for the Race Night.

This is an important way for the Club to raise revenue as well as allowing members to keep in touch during the Winter.

4. Friendly Match against the Royals.

There is a friendly match away at the Royals on Saturday 18 March at 5.30 pm.  As an outdoor club  we like to “put it across” the Indoor Royals.  Please let Keith Trowell (01892-532896) know if you are available for selection for the match.  It is always a good social event with plenty of friendly rivalry!

5. Annual General Meeting, Election of Officers.

On the noticeboard in the Clubhouse, there is a Nomination of Officers sheet.  The Officers of the  Grove Club will be elected from this list at the A.G.M. on Thursday 30 March 2023.

The list of Officers is as follows:

Directors                                      Chairman


                                                        Hon. Secretary

                                                        Hon. Treasurer

                                                        7 Elected Directors:

and 2 non-Directors:  Wednesday Captain and Match Secretary

 Only Full Playing members may be nominated for, propose or second these positions.

 If it is difficult for you to get to the Club to register a nomination on the list, I should be pleased to do this if you will write to or e-mail me with the names of the Nominee, Proposer and Seconder and the Position for which the nomination applies.

The strength of a Club can be measured by the willingness if its members to participate in its management.  Therefore, please allow your nomination for one of these positions to go forward for consideration.

If there is any item in this Newsletter that you would like to discuss or requires explanation, please contact me, and I will try to help.

Richard Warren

Hon. Secretary

January 2023 

Grove Bowling